I’ve been volunteering at Mawuvio’s Outreach Programme for over two months now. It takes up most of my time; I go there about three days a week for over four hours. It has been one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had and I wanted to share some of my favorite moments with you.
One of my first days at Mawuvio’s working with Reuben and Randolf I remember trying to explain when I would be back next. We hadn’t gone over the days of the week, and I could tell they had no idea what I was saying when I said I would be back on Thursday. As I walked off with Renee, Reuben got my attention and asked how many days until I would be back. It made me so happy because I knew that he wanted me to come back.
Another one of my favorite moments was when they were showing me their artwork. They are both great artists and have many drawings. Randolf pulled out a picture of two boys he had drawn, and it was clear that it was him and his brother Reuben. He was so proud of that picture too, more proud than he was of any of the others.
We took a walk one day just around the school. At this point I was still trying to figure out where their signing abilities were. I would point to things and sign them; eventually they started to do the same. We pointed out colors, flowers, trees, bicycles, and many other things. We came to a tree that had flowers in it and Reuben picked one for me with a big smile on his face. I put it in my hair with delight.
One day I had my camera with and really wanted a picture with them. I had my friend, Kelly, take a few pictures. We did a smiley one, and then a silly one. They are such funny boys. But then, later, when we were working on some math problems Randolf taps me on my shoulder and points to my bag. He signed camera, with a big smile on his face; some goats were passing in front of the school. I handed him me camera and he took off after them snapping pictures. It was cute, but it didn’t stop there. I had such a hard time trying to get him to sit back down and look through books with me. It’s just so hard to get mad at them—I have such a soft spot. By the end of the day I probably had 20 pictures of random things like chickens, goats, and trees.
They also make me laugh a lot—One day we were looking through a book and there was a picture of a boy with his bottom showing, something similar to the coppertone babies. Well, Randolf starts giggling and writes Reuban’s name next to the picture of the boy in the book. Reuben starts laughing too trying to erase his name and write Randolf’s.