Thursday, February 23, 2012

It’s a Love/Hate Relationship.

What I love about Ghana:

The crazy muffin lady; Auntie Louisa. She sits on the side of the road near our hostel and sells fresh baked chocolate and banana muffins and they are wonderful. She calls them tantalizing.

The fact that if you go to the night market and they don’t have change for you, you just come back later when you have a smaller bill to pay them, but they let you take what you ordered. For example the other day I wanted some cut up pineapple for 50 pesewa, and I only had a five. She let me take the pineapple and I just came back later and paid for it. But sometimes it works the opposite way, you have to come back later to get your change, and that’s a little frustrating.

My roommate, she is really great. She took me out to get ice cream a few nights ago.

Kontunbre (I’m pretty sure I spelled that wrong). It’s my favorite Ghanaian dish. It is spicy, but not too spicy. And you eat it with bowled yams, which taste just like potatoes.

The beaches in Ghana. Once you get a little ways out of Accra they are gorgeous.

Being able to eat for less than 5 cedi a day.

Blue skys juice—It’s fresh squeezed pineapple juice with no preservatives.

What I hate about Ghana:

The fact that the internet only works about half the time.

Walking about 3 miles every day to go to class.

The fact that my professors always show up a half hour, at least, late.

Ghanaians have no sense of a line system. They are always budging if front of you. It's very frustrating. 

Waiting in general. You wait for everything. 

I really hate, when the professor tells jokes that I never get and all the Ghanaians laugh.

I also hate getting laughed at. Which happens quite often. Just tonight at the night market the ladies at the stand were laughing at me. I know they were talking about me too, because I heard them say bruni and I was the only white person around.

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